суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

center edmonton laser surgery

19 weeks.

Liamapos;s got food poisoning :( God knows what he ate - weapos;re suspecting either the pate on Wednesday he had, or the feta cheese on Thursday. I myself have been rather lax about the pregnant-lady guidelines about not eating foods with higher chances of food poisoning as I figured it was pretty rare anyway and all I ate in the bad category was ham sandwiches, but it still worries me a little how close the dreaded bug is to the baby. Obviously though my main worry lies with him; he canapos;t keep anything down and is struggling to drink water. Itapos;s been bad for about 16 hours now; by 24 we have to get help. Thereapos;s a walk-in doctorapos;s nearby we may try to head to later today. I feel rather useless; all I can do is offer food and drink.

Itapos;s easy when Iapos;m sick. Heapos;s the strong one, he takes care of me, and when Iapos;m sick, he just does it more so. When heapos;s sick? I canapos;t drive him places and appear to lack his skill of suggesting good sick-friendly meals. I was up at 6am to read up on his symptoms online and give him some space in bed to get off to sleep (I think I was overheating him).

I hope heapos;s better by Tuesday - itapos;d be awful for us both if he had to miss the scan.

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